MBA Guide

Would you be upset, if your Business Schools offered an MBA for half the price you paid for?

Would you be upset, if your Business Schools offered an MBA for half the price you paid for?

MBA Degree courses at some top Business Schools started upwards from 80000 US$. This was just the tuition fee for the usually in person course. However recently MBA application for top programs became fewer and fewer. Reasons may be varied, but many students did not expect to get a big career advantage after graduating with an MBA. Some business schools have started to offer an  MBA program, that is only available online, but at a fraction of the cost of in-person/on campus MBA programs. It will be seen how potential applicants are going to react to this. Will it attract additional  MBA candidates or will their full-price flagship MBA programs get fewer applicants.

Most employers would only look at the academic degree and the business school.

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