MBA and Master Program Marketing

Include your MBA and Master Programs

MBA Spectrum offers a range of options to promote your MBA and Master course programs, Business School and department, scholarships, news, and other relevant announcements (such as new program launches, international co-operative initiatives, dual language and partially abroad programmes, etc.). Promotional opportunities include dedicated Course, School and Institution Profile Pages, entries in the main MBA and Master course directory and sub-directories, banner advertising, featured news, event and article displays and social networking promotions.


  • Institution and university profiles
  • School, faculty and department profiles
  • Course profiles

Banner Advertising

Sizes of available banners

  • 234 x 60 pixels (width x height)
  • 468 x 60 pixels

Advertorials, News, Events and Social Media

You can add your events, scholarships, videos, new courses and other news and announcements.

Contact Us

To discuss your requirements and how we can assist to extend the marketing of your institution and its postgraduate programs, please contact our Marketing Department. We’ll be pleased to help you and listen to your suggestions.